Assessment Based National Dialogue
SPF Good Practices Guide
Module 14
This module aims to give participants practical experience in lobbying for one or several policy options and gaining support from policy-makers for the endorsement and implementation of these recommendations.
Key questions
- What methods can be used while presenting the recommendations to line ministries and national policy-makers?
- How to effectively lobby for the endorsement of recommendations and further their implementation?
Takeaway message
Once the ABND report has been finalized and endorsed at the technical level, the political endorsement of the report needs to be conducted. This implies presenting the report to key policymakers in the country, gaining their support, organizing a visible event for the launch of the report, relying on civil society, workersâ and employersâ organizations, and other pressure groups to ensure that at least some of the recommendations can be translated into concrete policy options.
- Master module 14 - "Role play" to advocate for the endorsement of the policy options identified through the case study
- Case studies and solutions for Module 14