Multi-faceted response to the food and energy emergency in Uzbekistan
Project properties
- Partners: MPTF/UNDP
- Status: Completed
- This project is part of the Global Flagship Programme on Building Social Protection Floors for All
This Joint Programme (JP) proposed by UNICEF, FAO and ILO seeks to address negative impacts of food and energy price shocks on ouseholds and enterprises by implementing the following interventions and measures: 1) Undertaking a multidimensional emergency response analysis focusing on food and energy dimensions to help design a sector relevant response measure – the intervention will provide key evidence on food and energy deprivations in the country and their impacts on wellbeing of adults and children. This, in turn, should inform designing appropriate response measures. 2) Designing appropriate multi-faceted response measures to address immediate vulnerabilities by taking into account diverse impact on women, men and children in agriculture and other sectors of the economy from food and energy deprivations and recommending innovative, efficient and inclusive financing mechanisms to fund the proposed shock response social protection and labour market measures targeting specifically the agricultural sector. 3) Provision of technical assistance and advisory services on accessing highly productive agricultural techniques and inputs to increase productivity of family-level farming to boost food self-sufficiency in rural areas of Uzbekistan.SDG
- End poverty in all its forms everywhere
- Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
01.07.2022 - 31.03.2023
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Development Cooperation