Technical support on social protection for vulnerable groups in Cambodia


Project properties


The project aims at increasing the quality and coverage of social protection in Cambodia, which is at an early stage. The Ministry of Economy and Finance leads a multi-ministerial team that developed a Social Protection Policy Framework bringing together social insurance and social assistance under one policy document for the first time in the country. The ILO has performed the actuarial review of the Employment Injury Insurance and Social Health Insurance branches of the National Social Security Fund and supported the development of costing exercises for the extension of health equity funds and is currently conducting a full actuarial study for private and public pension schemes through a partnership with AFD (Agence française de développement). A series of technical notes on health insurance, pension and social assistance were prepared and used to back with evidence the development of the Social Protection Policy Framework Strategy and the elaboration of the Social Protection Law. An assessment will be conducted on policy options for the expansion of social protection to the informal economy, with a special focus on the construction industry. Technical advice was provided for the design and implementation of social assistance schemes, including a detailed costing of the proposed interventions jointly developed with UNICEF.


  • End poverty in all its forms everywhere
  • Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
  • Reduce inequality within and among countries


01.01.2016 - 30.04.2018


223.611 / 223.611 Development Cooperation , Regular Budget Supplementary Account

Timeline of linked projects

93 KHM/16/02/RBS 01 01 2016 04 30 2018
01 01 2016 12 31 2017 Cambodia - Increased quality and coverage for social protection (country programme 2016-17) 221
01 01 2018 12 31 2019 Cambodia - Social protection (system, benefits and access) expanded, in particular among workers in the informal economy, and to men, women, youth and vulnerable groups in Cambodia (country programme 2018-19) 834
KHM/16/02/RBS Asia y Pacífico Camboya atención de salud , evaluación actuarial , accidentes del trabajo y enfermedades profesionales , modelo , protección social de la salud , proyecciones