Promoting and building social protection in Asia (4th phase)


Project properties


Despite recent progress, there are still significant gaps in social protection systems in Asia and the Pacific. Both countries targeted by this Project (Viet Nam and Indonesia) have social protection system that have not yet reached its maturity stages and the extension of coverage is still a challenge. The outbreak of COVID-19 risks undermining the progresses made by the Region in terms of poverty reduction and further exacerbating inequalities in the region making the extension of social protection more relevant than ever. The Project focuses on creating conditions in targeted countries to gradually build comprehensive sustainable social protection systems for all by enhancing the expansion of the system coverage to workers (both in formal and informal economy), with a particular focus on the creation or reinforcement of the employment insurance branch and improving its linkages with ALMPs, and increasing its effectiveness and efficiency. In Indonesia the Project conducts a series of policy research; and facilitate policy dialogues and capacity building based on knowledge and evidence produced through the research activities. The project supports Viet Nam in accelerating the transition towards an inclusive and integrated social protection system through (i) legislative reform to promote a rights-based system, (ii) evidence for the development of specific policy options for coverage expansion, and (iii) advocacy for high-level political support. In addition, it also develops activities to increase countries understanding and increased awareness on the importance of social protection, through the organization of regional knowledge sharing events. In this regard, the Project is expected to contribute to the development of a Centre of Excellency for knowledge sharing exchange in the area of social protection in partnership with other countries in the region.


  • Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all


15.03.2021 - 31.12.2025


1.885.400 / 3.281.352 Development Cooperation



RAS/21/01/JPN Asia and the Pacific Indonesia , Viet Nam