Technical advisory services for the ninth Actuarial Review of the Social Security Corporation and the strengthening and extension of social security programmes in Jordan


Project properties

  • Partners: Direct Trust Fund
  • Status: Completed


The project will mainly focus on the delivery of the ninth Actuarial Review of the social security schemes administered by the SSC, as at 31 December 2016. This follows previous Funds-in-Trust Projects concluded between the ILO and the SSC, and in particular the most recent four-year project of the ILO with the SSC that led to the seventh Actuarial Review of the SSC schemes, as at 31 December 2010, and the eighth Actuarial Review of the SSC schemes, as at 31 December 2013. Under this project, the ILO carried out in addition a series of technical reports on the costing of various reform proposals for the purpose of extending social security programmes under the umbrella of SSC (maternity, unemployment, voluntary second tier pensions, and health care). These ILO technical reports were delivered in support of informed policy decision making of tripartite Jordanian stakeholders, which led to the adoption of the New Social Security Law No. 1 of the Year 2014 –governing the SSC –by Parliament in January 2014.


  • End poverty in all its forms everywhere
  • Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all


09.07.2017 - 31.07.2018


138.599 / 197.705 Development Cooperation

Timeline of linked projects

67 JOR/17/04/JOR 07 09 2017 07 31 2018
01 01 2018 12 31 2019 Jordan - Improved existing programmes to extend social security coverage through the progressive establishment of a national SPF (country programme 2018-19) 824


JOR/17/04/JOR Estados Arabes Jordania servicios de empleo , prestaciones familiares , atención de salud , seguridad del ingreso , política de empleo , protección social de la salud , niños , invalidez , evaluación actuarial , maternidad , accidentes del trabajo y enfermedades profesionales , vejez , modelo , enfermedad , sobrevivientes , desempleo , proyecciones