Extending Social Protection in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province through building a Social Protection Floor within the framework of a Social Protection Policy


Project properties

  • Partners: Japan
  • Status: Completed


The main objective of the project is to assist the Government of the Province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to establish a comprehensive province-wide social protection scheme based on the ILO’s two-dimensional strategy for the extension of social protection, and a national Social Protection floor concept providing a set of basic social guarantees that would provide income security for all in need of such protection and basic medical care. The project strategy follows a multi-pronged approach. The following results are foreseen under the project: 1) Institutional capacity - establishing/organizing a provincial steering committee- At the provincial (KPK) level an inter-agency task force will be set up to work as a steering committee. 2) Raising awareness/advocacy at the national level – inserting the Social Protection Floor concept and its elements into the national policy debate 3) Mapping, profiling, documentation, analysis – the project will undertake a mapping exercise and/or a rapid assessment study in order to take stock of the social protection situation and needs at the provincial level. 4) Through dialogue at the provincial level, elaborating a specific set of measures constituting a provincial Social Protection Floor that builds on existing social protection activities 5) Identifying viable alternatives/policy options/concrete proposals to close protection gaps - Through dialogue at the provincial level, coordinated by the Social Protection Floor Task Force, viable options should be sought as to how to close the identified gaps in protection by appropriate and effectively coordinated contributory or non-contributory schemes, including through the extension of existing contributory schemes to all concerned persons with contributory capacity. 6) Development of a policy framework for the extension of social protection to all – In order for any meaningful initiative to succeed on a sustainable basis, it requires the support of a policy framework. Implementing social protection policies and programmes cannot be done in isolation. Given the contribution of social protection to human capital development, to the protection and empowerment of people, and to the increase of labour productivity and pro-poor economic growth in the long run, social protection policies are an integral part of national and provincial development policies. They need to be consistent with fiscal policy (fiscal space may need to be increased to be able to finance social protection), employment policy (linkages with employment need to be ensured or re-established for the working age population) and a shared vision of society.


  • End poverty in all its forms everywhere


03.12.2013 - 30.06.2016


226,027 / 226,027 Development Cooperation


PAK/12/50/JPN Asia and the Pacific Pakistan Social dialogue