Supporting the establishment of sustainable and inclusive social protection systems


Project properties


The purpose of the “Social Protection Capacity Development Project” is to perform the following roles: A. Provide weekly facilitation, coordination, dialogue and monitoring to the Institute of Finance management and other Tanzanian training institutes implementing the social protection capacity assessment and development project. B. Guide, coach and support the engagement of the European Union Social Protection Systems Programme in relation to the Special Pre-Accession Instrument (ISPA) Assessment of the Tanzania Social Action Fund's Productive Social Safety Net (Public Works Component and Livelihoods Component), and support the integration of social protection objectives in relevant livelihoods and natural resource management projects. C. Deliver selected other social protection capacity strengthening activities in support of the key social protection authorities of the Governments of Tanzania and Zanzibar, including e.g. the Social Protection Technical Secretariats at the Prime Minister’s Offices of Tanzania and Zanzibar, the Social Security Regulatory Authority, Zanzibar Universal Pension Scheme, Ministries of Community Development and Health, Labour and Finance. D. Facilitate the participation of Tanzanian experts in the regional efforts in Eastern and Southern Africa to develop regional social protection training modules and other shared resources for social protection related capacity development.


  • End poverty in all its forms everywhere


17.02.2017 - 31.12.2018


152 047 / 157 951 Development Cooperation

Timeline of linked projects

75 TZA/16/01/OEC 02 17 2017 12 31 2018
01 01 2018 12 31 2019 United Republic of Tanzania - Increased gender sensitive social protection and social security coverage including for those in the informal economy and vulnerable groups (country programme 2018-19) 796


TZA/16/01/OEC Afrique République-Unie De Tanzanie