Expanding Social Security To Support the Formalization of the Angolan Economy


Project properties


The EU-funded Project on Expanding Social Security to Support the Formalization of the Angolan Economy (the Project), implemented by ILO, contributes to the Government of Angola’s goal of formalizing the economy in line with the Government’s national priority to promote decent jobs for all and diversify the economy. The implementation of this project is anchored under the programme “Support to formalisation of the economy including social protection and support to Public Finance Management”, including a Budget Support Operation and complementary measures, to be carried out under the 2021-2027 Multiannual Indicative Programme (MIP) for Angola contributing to the following objectives and expected results: - Priority Area 1: Sustainable Economic Diversification – Specific objective 1. Improved competitiveness and sustainability of the local private sector in Angola – Expected result I Private and public investments scaled up, including addressing the micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) financing gap: - Priority Area 2: Transparent, accountable and effective governance – Specific objective 2. Improve Economic Governance and strengthen the social protection system - Expected results: (a) Public Finance Management improved, including strengthening Domestic Revenue Mobilization, and better efficiency and accountability of public expenditure; (b) Transparency and governance of the extractive industries improved; (c) Nationally Appropriate Social protection systems and measures implemented for all. Within the overall framework of the programme, the Project focuses particularly on the extension of social security as a mean to facilitate the transition to the formal economy, in conjunction with employment and formalization policies as well as improvement of the public finance management. The objectives and approaches of the Project are aligned with the approach of the Global Accelerator for Jobs and Social Protection for Just Transition, launched by the UN Secretary General in 2021. Based on a solid human rights foundation, including a strong reference to international labour standards, and the systematic promotion of social dialogue and participation, the Global Accelerator supports countries to implement integrated productive and decent employment creation and universal social protection policies so as to enable just transitions and strengthen a virtuous circle of economic growth, public revenue creation and re-investment in key sectors. It offers a coherent framework for action bringing together integrated employment and social protection policies solutions and the necessary financial investments through enhanced multilateral cooperation. In order to achieve that, the project will actively involve Government Institutions, decision-makers, employers and workers’ representatives and civil society in expanding social security, through six strategic areas: i) The process of decision-making of the Government concerning social security issues is enhanced; ii) Angola Social Security Institute (INSS) capacities for communication and awareness upgraded , iii) Digitalization of the services and administration of the INSS increased, with special attention to interoperability of systems ; iv) Governance and administration in INSS shaped by international best practices; v) INSS, Government and social partners knowledge on social protection and social insurance increased; vi) Consultation process among social partners strengthened.The interrelation between these six areas, if correctly designed and implemented, will have a positive incidence in the level of social protection coverage in Angola and will contribute to the objective of transitioning the Angola’s economy to a more formal and inclusive economy.


  • End poverty in all its forms everywhere
  • Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
  • Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
  • Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
  • Reduce inequality within and among countries
  • 1.3 Implement nationally appropriate social protection systems and measures for all, including floors, and by 2030 achieve substantial coverage of the poor and the vulnerable


01.07.2023 - 30.06.2027


1.268.291 / 1.936.935 Development Cooperation

Timeline of linked projects

945 AGO/23/01/EUR 07 01 2023 06 30 2027
10 01 2019 09 30 2023 GLO/19/53/EUR Improving Synergies between Social Protection and Public Finance Management (ILO component) 658
06 14 2022 07 31 2025 GLO/22/15/PRT Strengthening of Social Protection Systems in the PALOP and Timor-Leste Phase 3 911

Espacios de trabajo


AGO/23/01/EUR AGO101 Africa Angola administración , sensibilización / promoción , desarrollo de la capacidad , normas de la OIT , legislación , control / supervisión , diálogo social , trabajadores de la economía informal , trabajadores rurales , trabajadores por cuenta propia , invalidez , evaluación actuarial , análisis de impacto , vejez , modelo , seguimiento/evaluación , estadísticas , proyecciones , Digital transformation