Expanding Social Protection to Dometic Workers in Pakistan.


Project properties


The main objective of this intervention is to develop a sustainable and gender-responsive model to extend social security coverage and benefits to domestic workers in Punjab (Pakistan), later on extending it to Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT), in turn contributing to increased formalization of domestic work. The intervention facilitates consolidation of a pilot initiative started with ILO support within the Lahore District in February 2021, scaling it up to the entire Punjab province, and expanding it to ICT. The intervention is expected to benefit more than 0.4 million domestic workers in Punjab province. Main collaborating partners include the Punjab Employees Social Security Institution (PESSI), the Department of Labour and Human Resources in Punjab, the Department of Labour in ICT, the Domestic Workers’ Union (within Pakistan Workers’ Federation), the Employers Federation of Pakistan and relevant civil society organizations. The expected results include a model to extend social security and other decent work facilities to domestic workers in Pakistan, for further replication in other countries.


  • End poverty in all its forms everywhere
  • Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
  • Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all


01.08.2021 - 15.10.2024


374 912 / 374 912 Development Cooperation , Regular Budget Supplementary Account
PAK/21/01/RBS Asie et Pacifique Pakistan travailleurs de l'économie informelle , travailleurs ruraux , travailleurs indépendants