Technical support on social protection in Iraq


Project properties


This project aims at extending social security coverage through the progressive establishment of a Social Protection Floor in Iraq. The project will work on a comprehensive reform of the Social Insurance system (public and private) to increase coverage and ensure the sustainable provision of adequate financial benefits. Specifically, the project will carry out an actuarial valuation of the social insurance system for public and private sector workers aiming at extending the social security coverage and benefits and ensuring the financial sustainability of the scheme, work on comprehensive policy recommendations for the reform of the Social Security System based on the actuarial valuation, and on a legal review of the 2007-2008 social security law, undertaken with ILO support. The ILO will carry out a series of activities: an Actuarial Valuation of the social security schemes for public and private sector workers aiming at the extension of social security coverage and benefits and ensuring the financial sustainability of the schemes; capacity building for tripartite stakeholders on social security standards, principles, policies and financing mechanisms, social security legal drafting, actuarial techniques, investment and social security administration; and a legal review of the draft social security law for private sector workers.


  • End poverty in all its forms everywhere
  • Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
  • Reduce inequality within and among countries


01.01.2016 - 28.02.2018


188.715 / 188.715 Development Cooperation , Regular Budget Supplementary Account

Timeline of linked projects

95 IRQ/16/01/RBS 01 01 2016 02 28 2018
01 01 2016 12 31 2017 Iraq - Extending social security coverage through the progressive establishment of a SPF in Iraq (country programme 2016-17) 212
01 01 2018 12 31 2019 Iraq - Extending social security coverage through the progressive establishment of a SPF in Iraq (country programme 2018-19) 823
IRQ/16/01/RBS Estados Arabes Iraq servicios de empleo , prestaciones familiares , atención de salud , seguridad del ingreso , política de empleo , normas de la OIT , protección social de la salud , legislación , niños , invalidez , evaluación actuarial , maternidad , accidentes del trabajo y enfermedades profesionales , vejez , modelo , enfermedad , sobrevivientes , desempleo , proyecciones