Achieving SDGs and ending poverty through Universal Social Protection


Project properties


The main objective of the project is to strengthen the capacity of the government in Cambodia and Pakistan to formulate, implement, monitor and evaluate national social security schemes. Furthermore, there is a growing need for awareness-raising at the global level as well as for the sharing of knowledge and the development of practical guidance for the governance of social security systems. The project has an important role in bridging the gap in developing comprehensive overview of the best practices, tools and communication mechanisms for the good governance in the social protection systems and floors; and assisting countries to achieve the SDGs and eradicate poverty. Expected accomplishment - EA1 Increased capacity of the national entities responsible for social protection in Cambodia to formulate and implement social security schemes. Expected accomplishment – EA2 Enhanced capacity of the national entities responsible for social protection in Pakistan to coordinate the existing social security schemes and to monitor and evaluate their effectiveness. Expected accomplishment – EA3 Increased regional and global awareness on the vital important role of governance in extending the coverage of social protection. The project is jointly implemented by the UN DESA Division for Inclusive Social Development and the International Labour Office (ILO) Social Protection Department (SOCPRO) in the framework of ILO’s Global Flagship Programme for Social Protection Floors. Each agency is responsible for the implementation of the project budget allocated to it. UN DESA is responsible for the resources to deliver project activities for the three component (Cambodia, Pakistan and Global). The ILO is responsible for providing the technical expertise for the implementation of the project activities. Delivery of project outputs is dependent on efficient coordination between the two agencies for the operational aspects of the project, ie timely approval of activities; timely administrative processing of transactions for activities, etc.


  • End poverty in all its forms everywhere
  • 1.3 Implement nationally appropriate social protection systems and measures for all, including floors, and by 2030 achieve substantial coverage of the poor and the vulnerable


01.12.2018 - 30.06.2021


725,162 / 746,014 Development Cooperation

Timeline of linked projects

397 RAS/18/01/UNS 12 01 2018 06 30 2021
01 01 2017 12 31 2023 PAK/16/01/KIK Settlement of the funding gap for the compensation to be delivered to the victims of the fire at the Ali Enterprises in Baldia. 43
01 01 2018 12 31 2019 Cambodia - Social protection (system, benefits and access) expanded, in particular among workers in the informal economy, and to men, women, youth and vulnerable groups in Cambodia (country programme 2018-19) 834
01 01 2019 06 10 2025 PAK/16/04/ITA Promotion of Decent Work Opportunities for the economic empowerment of vulnerable segments of society 399



RAS/18/01/UNS Global Pakistan , Cambodia Employment services , Awareness raising / advocacy , Family benefits , Health care , Income security , Employment policy , Social health protection , Social dialogue , Children , Informal economy workers , Rural workers , Self-employed , Disability , Maternity , Employment injury , Old-age , Sickness , Survivors , Unemployment