Additional terms of reference for update of actuarial evaluation and investment review for social security sector


Project properties

  • Partners: Direct Trust Fund
  • Status: Completed


Executive Summary Two main tasks are involved under this project; • Update of the Actuarial valuation results as at 30 June 2013 using recent statistics (as at June 2016) to enable the Authority to move forward and make decisions basing on updated statistics. • ILO to provide an expert to prepare a report describing the issues, challenges and needs related to the merging of the funds and investments policies and recommend a list of activities to be conducted to address these issues, challenges and needs.


  • End poverty in all its forms everywhere


18.04.2017 - 24.05.2018


51.394 / 51.394 Development Cooperation

Timeline of linked projects

59 TZA/17/01/TZA 04 18 2017 05 24 2018
01 01 2018 12 31 2019 United Republic of Tanzania - Increased gender sensitive social protection and social security coverage including for those in the informal economy and vulnerable groups (country programme 2018-19) 796
TZA/17/01/TZA Africa República Unida de Tanzania servicios de empleo , prestaciones familiares , atención de salud , seguridad del ingreso , política de empleo , protección social de la salud , niños , invalidez , evaluación actuarial , maternidad , accidentes del trabajo y enfermedades profesionales , vejez , modelo , enfermedad , sobrevivientes , desempleo , proyecciones