UNJP on Social Protection in Mozambique : Holistic Care and Support for Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children


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ILO Component in the UNJP on Social Protection: Holistic Care and Support for Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children ILO Role With an HIV prevalence rate of 11 per cent among adults and an estimated 2 million orphans and vulnerable children, of whom 800,000 are orphaned due to AIDS, Mozambique remains a country highly affected by the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Orphans and vulnerable children face a multiplicity of vulnerabilities; they are at risk of growing up poor, separated from a family environment, lack schooling, face stigma, discrimination and abuse and abandonment. An estimated 8,267 children live in institutional care, and many are infants who lose a month of development for every year spent in care. In recognition of these challenges, the poverty reduction strategy seeks to ensure that orphans and vulnerable children benefit from supplementary social protection assistance programs including protection and psychosocial support. The National Basic Social Security Coordination Council aims to strengthen the coordination among various national stakeholders, government and non-governmental bodies, involved directly or indirectly in the design of policies and implementation programmes in the area of Basic Social Security. Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) have been playing an increasingly larger role in the development of the Social Protection system for Mozambique. The revision of the National Basic Social Security Strategy (201-2014) provides an opportunity for a more coordinated and effective CSO participation in social protection. The civil Society Platform for Social Protection (CSP) was created, which gives an opportunity for a more systematic participation of CSOs in policy dialogue on issues related to Social Protection The ILO’s role in the UN Joint Programme (in partnership with UNICEF) will focus on supporting the effective participation of civil society organizations in the process of the revision and approval of the National Strategy for Basic Social Security and other policy instruments, increasing their ability to engage in high level and political discussions, development of Social Protection advocacy tools for CSO, support to social protection budget analysis and training parliamentarians, decision-makers and journalists on the benefits of social protection. The expected results from the ILO intervention are: i. Support the participation of civil society organizations in the process of the revision of the National Strategy for Basic Social Security; ii. Social Protection advocacy tools developed for Civil Society Organisations (CSO); iii. Social protection budget is analysed and discussed regularly by CSO and disseminated in media; iv. Citizens’ accountability system developed, building on the community monitoring system currently being developed by CSO, including technical assistance and funding for its implementation in some provinces; v. Development of a social protection monitoring framework ; and vi. Train parliamentarians, decision/makers and journalists on the benefits of social protection and the importance of HIV-sensitive social protection. Strategic fit Link to Decent Work Country Programme This project is directly linked to the Mozambique DWCP (2011-2015) through priority 2 - Outcome 2.1 improved capacity of social security institutions for extending their coverage and providing better benefits for all. The project will contribute to the achievement of the following Country Programme Outcome: • MOZ106 Improved capacity of Social Security Institutions for extending coverage and provision of better benefits for all 2.2 Link to Programme & Budget The project will contribute to the 2016/17 P&B Outcome on Creating and extending social protection floors (outcome 3), indicator 3.1 and 3.3.


  • End poverty in all its forms everywhere
  • Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
  • Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all


01.01.2016 - 20.04.2017


٢٤٩٬٨٠٣ / ٢٥٠٬٠٠٠ Development Cooperation

Timeline of linked projects

١٠٦ MOZ/15/01/CEF 01 01 2016 04 20 2017
01 01 2016 12 31 2017 Mozambique - Improved capacity of Social Security Institutions for extension of coverage and provision of better benefits for all (country programme 2016-17) ٢٢٤
09 01 2017 03 31 2025 MOZ/17/04/CEF ONE UN Joint Programme on Social Protection in Mozambique ٤٥
MOZ/15/01/CEF Africa Mozambique Family benefits , Children