Strengthening the policy and legislative environment for home based workers in Pakistan


Project properties


This project builds on and consolidates collective work of UN Women and the ILO (under projects Towards Gender Parity (TGP) and Promoting Gender Equality for Decent Employment (GE4DE)) to develop draft policies for Home based workers, currently awaiting approval in Punjab and Sindh, and organizing and registering home based workers. As TGP has ended, and GE4DE Phase-I is in a process of completion, this initiative would facilitate to continue the process of decent work for domestic and home based workers in Punjab. The project is expected to be jointly implemented by the three UN organizations i.e. ILO, UNWomen and UNIDO. Four outputs (mentioned below) have been agreed between the implementing agencies. Each of the UN agency is taking lead on an output, whereas other participating agencies can contribute towards relevant output to ensure delivering result together. In this regards, ILO Country office is responsible for output 2, whereas it is contributing to output 1 and output 4 lead by UN Women and UNIDO respectively. Output 1: Improved data availability on home based workers to strengthen the ongoing policy work on HBWs in Punjab (Lead: UNWomen) Output 2: Action Plan developed for drafted HBWs policy and legislation in Punjab for effective implementation (Lead: ILO) Output 3: Gender responsive policy draft developed for women entrepreneurs for economic empowerment especially of the excluded groups (Lead: UNIDO) Output 4: Strengthening of Business Growth Centre in Punjab and capacity enhancement of 300 women from excluded groups to enable their access to higher incomes in light of SME policy 2007 gap analysis recommendations (Lead UNIDO)


  • End poverty in all its forms everywhere


01.10.2015 - 28.02.2017


89.473 / 99.000 Development Cooperation

Timeline of linked projects

109 PAK/15/02/OUF 10 01 2015 02 28 2017
01 01 2016 12 31 2017 Pakistan - Social Protection policies developed/adopted at provincial level and schemes and programmes scaled up (country programme 2016-17) 236
PAK/15/02/OUF Asia and the Pacific Pakistan Informal economy workers , Rural workers , Self-employed , Employment injury , ILO standards , Legislation