Strengthening of Social Protection Systems in the PALOP and Timor-Leste Phase 3
Project properties
- Partners: Portugal
- Status: In progress
- This project is part of the Global Flagship Programme on Building Social Protection Floors for All
The present document details a proposal by the Social Protection Department of the ILO (SOCPRO-ILO) and the International Training Centre of the ILO (ITC-ILO) for the launching and implementation of a third phase of the project ''ACTION/Portugal - Strengthening the Social Protection Systems of the PALOP countries and Timor-Leste''. This will be implemented within the framework of the General Agreement between the Portuguese Republic and the International Labour Organisation, signed on 29 September 1982. The Project is governed by ILO international standards on social security and the Social Protection Floor (a joint initiative of the United Nations system), namely Convention 102 on Minimum Standards of Social Security, Recommendation 202 on National Social Protection Floors and the other so-called third generation instruments that emanated from Convention 102. It also contributes to the pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals enshrined in the United Nations 2030 Agenda. The third phase of the project, besides continuing to increase the coverage and improve the adequacy of social protection systems, based on the strengths and lessons learnt from previous interventions, also introduces changes that aim to respond to the needs identified by the donor, to issues raised by the beneficiary institutions themselves as a result of the continuous outreach work over the years and also to the findings and recommendations of the independent final evaluation of ACTION/Portugal Phase II. Thus, the Project is structured in three interrelated intervention axes: (i) Support national institutions in progressing the universalization of social protection through the strengthening of legal and effective coverage and the adequacy of social benefits, adapting social protection systems to become not only more comprehensive in terms of population and risks covered, but also flexible so as to prevent and respond to crises and external shocks (ii) Promote good governance and financial sustainability of social protection systems, contributing to the mobilisation and/or reallocation of resources for social protection and their efficient and effective management; and (iii) Design, plan, monitor and evaluate the implementation of social protection strategies, policies and programmes based on increasingly reliable and comprehensive data. The planned duration of the new phase of the project will be 36 months, starting in August 2022 and ending in July 2025. This proposal details the context, background and rationale of the project; the project strategy based on a logical framework and theories of change; the institutional framework and management, monitoring and evaluation mechanisms; the communication and knowledge dissemination strategy; and the financial resources to be mobilised. In order to allow an effective participation of the partner institutions and to guarantee the relevance of the activities that will be carried out during the project, the proposal does not go as far as the level of activities that will be identified and defined during specific seminars with the members of the National Committees and validated by the Steering Committee (see 6.1. Coordination and management structures). ACTION/Portugal will be the responsibility of the ILO's Social Protection Department and the Social Protection, Governance and Tripartism Programme of the ILO International Training Centre. The ILO subregional offices responsible for the countries in which the project has decentralized activities will assume responsibilities within their specific competencies. SOCPRO-ILO, ITC-ILO and the subregional offices involved in the activities will work closely together in the areas of institutional capacity building, technical assistance and knowledge development and sharing. This project will leverage the progress and advances made, build on the experience gained in the projects that preceded it, including knowledge of the particular sp...SDG

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14.06.2022 - 31.07.2025
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Timeline of linked projects
ACTION/Portugal (Phase 2): Strengthening of Social Protection Systems in Mozambique
Expanding Social Security To Support the Formalization of the Angolan Economy
- Technical retreat for elaborating Mozambique’s Fifth Statistical Bulletin on Social Protection
- Workers’ organizations join forces and launch national campaign for ratification of Convention No. 102 in Mozambique
- Com apoio da OIT através do projeto ACTION/Portugal, tem início o Curso de Estatísticas de Proteção Social
- Knowledge-sharing seminar on ILO Convention 102 brings together tripartite partners
- ACTION/Portugal project website
- ACTION/Portugal project Library