Country Programme page
Jordania - JOR105
ILO supported deliverables
Results achieved
In May 2022, the Social Security Corporation, which is a public institution in charge of social security administration in Jordan, established and operationalized a dedicated fund called Estidama++ for the extension of social security coverage to vulner...
In September 2022, the tripartite board of the Social Security Corporation adopted the results of 10th Actuarial valuation of the Social Security Corporation, including recommendations to enhance the sustainability of the social security system for the ...
A platform was launnched to improve communication between the Social Security Corporation and workers
A coordination mecanisms under the National Social Protection Strategy is operational
The Government of Jordan has developed in collaboration with social partners and launched in May 2019 the Social Protection Strategy and Poverty Alleviation (SPSPA) for 2019-2025.
The national SPF seeks to extend social protection coverage in child benefits and old-age benefits to so far uncovered groups such as informal sector workers.
A National Social Protection Floor (SPF) has been endorsed by tripartite stakeholders in 2015 and is reflected in the Government's "Jordan Response plan 2015 for the Syria Crisis"
ILO's policy recommendations are based on extensive consultations with social partners.
Actuarial Review of the Social Security Corporation (SSC) finalized
Jordan ratified the Convention on Social Security (Minimum Standards), No. 102 (1952).
Additional CPO Information
Actuarial valuation of the Social Security Corporation (SSC) submitted and accepted by the SSC in March 2013. Employers’ and workers’ representatives on the governing body of the scheme were consulted.
A new Social Security Law (Social Security Law No. 7 for the Year 2013) adopted by Parliament in December 2013 to extend social security coverage to new social security benefits and to those previously excluded from social security.
The social security law extends coverage gradually to persons employed in enterprises comprising less than 5 employees, thus in effect extending coverage to all employees.
Policy recommendation of the ILO includes consultations with the members of the Board of Directors of the Social Security Corporation (SSC) which includes tripartite stakeholders.
Generated social security statistics for inquiry on social security