Sickness benefit

Sickness benefit - Evaluation 4 questions

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1 When a country ratifies the sickness benefit branch of C102, what is the minimum number of persons to be protected against the suspension of their earnings in case of sickness under the ILO minimum standard of social security in C102? Choose all answers representing possible options given by the Convention.

Under C102, at a minimum, the persons protected in case of an incapacity for work resulting from a morbid condition and involving suspension of earnings need to comprise: prescribed classes of employees constituting not less than 50% of all employees OR prescribed classes of the economically active population (employees, self-employed, farmers and more) which represent not less than 20% of all residents OR all residents whose means are below a prescribed limit OR prescribed classes of employees, constituting not less than 50 per cent. of all employees in industrial workplaces employing 20 persons or more.

2 What is the internationally established minimum level of cash sickness benefits to be granted ?

Under C102, the cash benefit in case of sickness needs to be a periodical payment. The Convention provides for the various options listed above in order to take into account the diversity of the mechanisms existing at the national levels to replace income lost in case of sickness.

3 Can the national legislation impose a minimum period of employment or contributions before a person can be entitled to sickness benefits?

Under C102, national legislation can impose a period of contribution or employment before a person is entitled to sickness benefit. This period, however, should be no longer than what is considered necessary to preclude abuse. It is international practice for such a qualifying period to not exceed 6 months.

4 Yvette was diagnosed with an early stage cancer and needs over 6 months of treatment. Will she be able to receive a sickness benefit for the entire duration of her care?

Convention No. 102 authorizes that a limit be set as regards of how long cash sickness benefits can be paid. However, this limit should not be under 26 weeks in each case of sickness. In other words, if Yvette will not be able to work for more than 6 months due to her cancer treatment, C102 would guarantee that she receives cash sickness benefits for at least 6 months (26 weeks). Should her incapacity be considered by the national legislation as permanent, she would fall under the provisions regulating the receipt of invalidity benefit.