Medical Care

Medical Care - Evaluation ٨ questions

يرجى ملاحظة أن واحدة من أكثر الإجابات قد تكون صحيحة. ليس لديك حد زمني لإكمال الاختبار.

١ A country has established a national health protection scheme with the objective to progressively cover the entire population for medical care. However, for now, only 60% of residents are covered. Would this country be able to ratify C102 before reaching universal coverage?

A State that ratifies C102 with respect to medical care is assumed to cover at least the minimum percentage of persons required by it, i.e. either : 50% of all employees in paid employment and their spouses and children OR Economically active population, which means employees, self-employed workers, farmers, and more, which represent 20% of all residents and their spouses and children OR 50% of all residents.

٢ Which of the following types of medical care need to be provided to protected persons in case of ill health according to the international minimum standard of social security?

Under C102, any ill health condition, whatever its cause as well as pregnancy, childbirth and their consequences need to give raise to the provision of medical care.

٣ Following a two-week stay in hospital due to a life-saving surgery and a long recovery, Assitan is asked to pay half of the bill because only half of the costs are covered by the health protection scheme. The bill amounts to 4,5 months of wages and Assitan needs to borrow money from her family and her bank to pay the sum. Would this situation be in line with the ILO C102 provisions?

Most of the world's population is required to cost-share upon receiving medical care. Cost-sharing means that the beneficiary participates to the cost of medical care with his or her own personal resources. In this respect, the rule established by C102 is that the rules concerning such cost-sharing shall be so designed as to avoid hardship.

٤ Kaloyan has been refused payment for his hospital treatment by his social security fund on the ground that he has not yet paid contribution for a period of 24 months. Is this in line with C102?

Under C102, persons protected for medical care can be asked to complete a qualifying period but this period should not be longer that what is considered necessary by the authorities to preclude abuse. In comparative practice, a qualifying period of 6 months is common practice and has been considered by ILO supervisory mechanism to comply with Convention No. 102.

٥ Murielle just found out she is pregnant. Her partner and her just moved to a new country for his job and they decided she would look for work after the baby is born. Her partner is employed and pays contributions into the local social security fund which covers, among other things, health care. Should Murielle have access to medical maternity care in her quality of dependant family member?

Convention No. 102 requires family members to benefit from health protection whenever they are the dependants of a protected economically active person.

٦ Does C102 establish any rules regarding to the maximum length for which a person is entitled to receive medical care?

C102 establishes the principle that medical care should be provided until recovery. However, it authorizes to limit its duration to 26 weeks in each case of sickness. C102 further specifies that the legislation should allow for medical care to be extended beyond 26 weeks in cases of diseases requiring prolonged care. No such limit is authorized however with respect to medical maternity care.

٧ Sofia was diagnosed with cancer and will require over 6 months of treatment. Under C102, will she be entitled to receive medical care for the entire duration of her prescribed treatment?

C102 establishes the principle that medical care should be provided until recovery. However, it authorizes to limit its duration to 26 weeks in each case of sickness. C102 further specifies that the legislation should allow for medical care to be extended beyond 26 weeks in cases of diseases requiring prolonged care. No such limit is authorized however with respect to medical maternity care.

٨ Sushmita has had asthma since she was a child. She has worked for the same employer for the last 4 years. She needs to consult the doctor regularly to control her condition and maintain good respiratory health. Should her condition be covered according to C102?

Under C102, curative medical care aimed at maintaining, restoring or improving the health of persons protected and their ability to work and to attend to their personal needs, irrespective to the medical condition, is covered. In addition, C102 specifies that provisions need to be made to allow for the extension of existing limits on the duration of medical care in case of prescribed diseases requiring prolonged care.