Unemployment benefit

Unemployment benefit - 测验评估 7 道题


1 Unemployment benefits should be paid when there is a suspension of earnings due to an inability to obtain suitable employment in the case of a person protected who is capable of, and available for work.

Under C102, contingency covered shall include suspension of earnings, as defined by national laws or regulations, due to the inability to obtain suitable employment in the case of a person protected who is capable of, and available for, work.

2 Mario works for the national railway company and wishes to know what categories of people should be covered under the international minimum standard against unemployment.

Under C102, the possible coverage options to cover unemployment are: - Prescribed classes of employees constituting not less than 50% of all employees OR - All residents whose means are below a prescribed limit.

3 If unemployment benefits are calculated according to previous earnings, C102 requires that they are not less than:

Under C102, unemployment benefit that are calculated as a percentage of previous earnings should be at least equal to 45% of these.

4 A national government wants to set up a new social security scheme aiming at ensuring protection in case of unemployment. It has been decided that it will be provided at a flat rate. In order to ensure that the benefit level is in line with international standards, what is the minimum level the flat rate should be set at?

When unemployment benefits are provided as flat rate benefits, C102 requires the minimum flat rate benefit to be at least equal to 45% of the wage of an ordinary unskilled labourer in the country.

5 Under C102, can national legislations prescribe a qualifying period of more than 6 months for entitlement to unemployment benefit?

C102 allows for unemployment benefits to be subject to a qualifying period that is as long as what is considered necessary to preclude abuse. The exact duration is however not specified. According to comparative practice, most unemployment insurance benefits are initially provided after a qualifying period ranging from 6 to 12 months.

6 According to C102, for how long should unemployment benefit be granted? Choose all answers that apply.

Under C102, benefits should be paid throughout the protected contingency. However, the Convention authorizes countries to limit the duration during which the benefits are paid to 13 weeks within a period of 12 months where employees are covered OR to 26 weeks within 12 months where the scheme covers residents whose means are below a certain threshold are covered.

7 Vlad has lost his employment in a ready-made garment factory following restructuration in the company. In his country, after an initial period of one month during which he received his unemployment benefit, the legislation requires him to accept any job offer, subject to seeing his entitlement to unemployment benefit reduced by half. Would this be in line with ILO Convention No. 102?

Convention No. 102 recognizes that, in case of unemployment, offered jobs should be suitable and not disconnected from a person’s professional experience, qualifications and personal or family circumstances.