Old-age benefit

Old-age benefit - Evaluation 6 questions

Por favor, note que pode existir mais do que uma resposta correta. Não existe limite de tempo para concluir o teste.

1 According to C102, the prescribed age for entitlement to old age pension is 65.

C102 provides that the prescribed age for entitlement to old-age benefits may be set at 65 years of age. Countries may however set a lower age than 65. They are also authorized to set a higher retirement age than 65 years with due consideration to the working ability of elderly persons in the country concerned.

2 Does C102 allows for an old-age benefit to be suspended if the person is gainfully employed?

According to C102, national laws or regulation may provide that the old-age benefit that a person would otherwise be entitled to will be suspended if such a person is engaged in any gainful activity or, alternatively, that the benefit will be reduced.

3 Adeel works for the national phone company and wishes to know what are the categories of people that could be covered under the international minimum standard in case of survival beyond 65 years of age. Choose all answers that apply.

Under C102, the possible coverage options to cover survival beyond 65 years of age are at least: 50% of all employees in paid employment OR economically active population (employees, self-employed, farmers and more) which represent 20% of all residents OR all residents whose means are below a prescribed limit.

4 Under C102, old-age pensions should be granted until a maximum of 80 years of age.

Under C102, old-age pensions should be granted throughout the contingency, i.e. until the death of the recipient.

5 Under C102, old-age pensions and generally long-term benefits should be adjusted and reviewed.

Under C102, old-age pension should be adjusted and reviewed following substantial changes in the general level of earnings and substantial changes in the cost of living.

6 Thiam has worked 20 years as a civil servant during which he contributed to the national social security scheme. The national legislation requires a contributory period of 37 years to receive a pension at the full rate established by law. According to the international minimum standard of social security established under C102, does Thiam have a right to receive a reduced pension?

C102 requires that, where the old age pension is conditional upon a minimum period of contribution or employment, protected persons who have contributed or been employed for at least 15 years should be entitled to a reduced benefit.