Improving Synergies between Social Protection and Public Finance Management (ILO component)
Outcome 1: Technical support for the design and implementation of wage subsidies and employment retention in response to the COVID-19 crisis
Outputs contributing to the outcome
- 1.1 A beneficiary identification criterion for wage subsidy disbursement programme for the formal sector workers developed
- 1.4 A wage subsidy disbursement & employment retention mechanism for the formal sector workers designed
- 1.2 Design of a database of workers in line with the beneficiary criteria set above consolidated
- 1.5 Technical inputs to the pilot testing for the wage subsidy disbursement mechanism developed
- 1.3 A grievance handling mechanism in the context of social assistance/ wage subsidy disbursement designed
- 1.6 Technical assistance provided for the rapid impact assessment conducted under the interlinked BMZ project on wage subsidy disbursement