Accelerating the Achievement of Universal Social Protection to Leave No One Behind
Outcome 1: Social protection coverage in Mozambique is extended and enhanced with the aim to increase inclusiveness, adequacy of benefits and fiscal space.
Outputs contributing to the outcome
- Output 1.2 – The next National Basic (non-contributory) Social Protection Strategy 2024-2029 is designed with ILO support and guided by ILO Recommendation No. 202 and ILO Convention No. 102
- Output 1.3 - Tripartite partners are supported in the framework of the Convention No. 102 Ratification Campaign, including through the elaboration of comparative assessments between national legislation and practice and ILO social security standards, technical advice on the assessment’s conclusions and recommendations, consultation workshops to validate the assessment, and overall support to the Government for completion of ratification formalities
- Output 1.4 – Social dialogue on the coverage expansion for workers in the informal economy is supported, with a focus on Gender and PWDs, including for the development of the National Strategy for Mandatory Social Security (ENSSO) approval and its implementation once adopted.
- Output 1.5 - Evidence-based advocacy is supported with the objective of increasing the fiscal space assigned by the government to social protection.
- Output 1.6 – Advocacy is developed to ensure that social protection is a priority in the new Five-Year Plan (PQG) and has sufficient resources for increased investments and expansion in the sector.
- Output 1.7. - MOZMOD (simulating tax and benefit policies for development in Mozambique) technical retreats are organized for staff from national institutions working on social protection.
- Output 1.8. - Advocacy and dialogue with IFIs are developed by the ILO as part of the UN Joint Programme on Social Protection (UNJP-SP) in Mozambique
- Output 1.1 - The next social protection strategy – post 2024 is designed and implemented with the support of the ILO