Advancing Social Protection in Cambodia
Outcome 2 - Increased inclusion and coverage of the vulnerable population in social assistance and complementary programmes promoting improved livelihoods and well-being
The results planned under Outcome 2 are intended to lead towards the increased inclusion/coverage of vulnerable population in social assistance and complementary programmes promoting improved livelihoods and well-being. The primary focus of activities planned under the outcome is on the roll-out and operationalization of the Family Package of integrated social assistance. The conceptual framework of the family package focuses on the design and delivery of the four core social assistance programmes, including Cash Transfer Programme for Pregnant Women and Young Children; Disability Allowance; Old Age Allowance, and; Scholarship Programme. The Family Package also focuses on establishment of the policy and programme linkages among the core programmes, complementary social protection programmes such as HEF and TVET, as well as social care services such as non-cash support to persons with disabilities and child protection services so as to maximize the impacts of both cash and non-cash social protection measures and develop adequate Cash Plus approaches in support of specific vulnerable groups. In line with the current policy position where the RGC is to look into the expansion of the social protection programmes towards universal coverage after the expiry of the current National Social Protection Policy Framework 2016-2025, under the Family Package, the Project will aim towards ensuring transition from ID Poor targeted to more inclusive coverage and universal benefits. This will be achieved by promoting and designing a risk and vulnerability approach to targeting and inclusion of beneficiaries in collaboration with other development partners. Additionally, the conceptual framework informing the implementation of the activities under the Outcome 2 mainstreams the objectives of shock-responsive/adaptive social protection so that the system-building activities planned will be inclusive of the principles of adaptive social protection developed in close collaboration with partners such as WFP who are currently working with the RGC social protection stakeholders on developing the shock-responsive social protection framework. To the extent possible, the activities implemented under the Outcome 2 will promote linkages between the social assistance and social security pillars of the Cambodia social protection sector. This will be done through leveraging the evidence-based policy dialogue to promote market activation of the ID Poor and vulnerable households and individuals, information dissemination and testing of measures promoting skills building.
Outputs contributing to the outcome
- Output 2.1 - Regulatory and institutional capacity to deliver the Family Package of Social Assistance are strengthened
- Output 2.2 – Core and complementary social protection policy options and programmes are developed to support socio-economic inclusion of the poor and vulnerable
- Output 2.3 – Vulnerability identification, targeting and M&E of the CT programmes are strengthened to promote inclusion of the hard to reach and vulnerable in the CT programmes
- Output 2.4 - Referral mechanism for the cash transfer programmes and selected complementary services is designed and tested
- Output 2.5 - Options linking the cash transfer programmes with promotion of livelihood skills are designed and tested