Supporting the National Social Protection Policy Framework in Cambodia

OUTCOME 1: Government institutions in Cambodia are better equipped to ensure policy coherence and provide oversight over the SP policies ensuring poor households are supported by the state.



  • The review of the national health insurance and the National Social Protection policy framework has commenced. 
  • Technical Assistance and support to training for Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation (MoSVY) and General Secretariat of the National Social Protection Council (GS-NSPC) on Result Based Management (RBM) and development/implementation of the M&E plans has commenced.
  • Significant progress was made to support GS-NSPC to design specification for the social assistance Management and Information System with the MIS of the Cash Transfer (CT) Programme for Pregnant Women and Children 0-2 upgraded to support Covid-19 CT programme, the disability programme MIS developed and the plan of integration of existing modules into integrated MIS under family package under way.
  • The review of existing poverty assessment and targeting tools used under On Demand ID Poor and ID Poor Database (ODID/ID) Poor as a component of the single/family package has been provided within the analysis linked to the design of the family package of integrated services policy and programme design. 
  • Development and implementation of equity analysis in coverage and financial protection for Ministry of Health, GS-NSPC, National Institute of Statistic (NIS), including in-person, on-the-job mentoring has been provided through continued capacity building to support analysis of the bi-annual household survey. A training of five weeks of on using Stata, measuring financial protection and out-of-pocket expenditures, catastrophic health expenditure, impoverishment, health services utilization, and poverty was conducted. Technical assistance was also provided to NIS for the analysis of the 2019 Census on the theme of ageing.


Outputs contributing to the outcome

31.01.2023 Cambodia