Improving Synergies between Social Protection and Public Finance Management (ILO component)
Outcome 2 - Social Protection institutions enhance their planning, budgeting and M&E capacities in alignment with the Public Finance Management Reform Programme
Improving monitoring and evaluation will be an important element in implementation of performance informed budgeting and contribute to the schemes future sustainability contributing to the objective of strengthening the results-based budgeting and preparing for the implementation of performance informed budgeting by 2025
Outputs contributing to the outcome
- Output 2.1 - Tools and knowledge in place for improved planning, budgeting and tracking of social protection expenditures including consistent mechanism for compilation of revenues and expenditures
- Output 2.2 Social budget forecasting system established and functional
- Output 2.3 The CSO-TU Network can engage effectively with decision makers for more fiscal space to increase the coverage of informal economy workers under the NSPPF, especially women workers.