Improving Synergies between Social Protection and Public Finance Management (ILO component)
Outcome 1: Support the expansion of existing registry, M&E, administration and delivering mechanisms/tools to make them suitable to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic to reduce beneficiaries’ exposure to risk of poverty and contamination
Outputs contributing to the outcome
- 1.1 Updating and expanding CSU (unique single registry for non-contributory benefits), to register and update information on poorer and extremely poor households, including RSO beneficiaries (informal workers, including domestic workers)
- 1.2 Enhancing the social pensions management platform to expedite and refine the selection process, particularly addressing increased demand from COVID-19, while simultaneously reducing elderly risk exposure in hospitals or pharmacies by streamlining access to medical benefits via the mutual health fund associated with social pensions.
- 1.3 Identification, costing, recommendations, and operational planning on alternative delivery mechanisms of the social pension, to promote safer and faster payments and avoid risk exposure of elderly people in the Mail Offices
- 1.4 Evaluation and capitalization of RSO measure, as an example of lessons learned for the future and good M&E practices
- 1.5 Adoption of a social security account framework, in order to be more responsive and improve finance administration governance tools to better demonstrate the COVID-19 impact on social insurance account, while being able to reflect it in the State budget
- 1.6 Production of a country case study on multiplier effects of social protection expenditures (using the Structural VAR methodology), integrated in a global article using 9 countries' data, to be published in an academic journal