Improving Synergies between Social Protection and Public Finance Management (ILO component)
3: An information system, technical and financial parameters and an institutional coordination architecture for the extension of the general social security system managed by the National Social Security Fund (CNSS) and the compulsory health insurance managed by INAM, to the actors of the informal economy are adopted.
Outputs contributing to the outcome
- 3.4: Technical recommendations for developing the legal framework for extending benefits to the informal economy by linking to existing and emerging social protection systems, in line with international labour standards on social security.
- 3.1: CNSS and INAM information systems strengthened and adapted for the extension of the general social security scheme managed by the National Social Security Fund (CNSS) and the compulsory health insurance managed by INAM to informal economy actors
- 3.2: Technical report of the financial assessment of the sustainability and scaling up of the extension of benefits to the informal economy linked to existing and emerging social protection systems
- 3.3: Technical report on the institutional architecture and operational modalities for extending benefits to the informal economy by linking to existing and emerging social protection systems.