Advancing Social Protection in Cambodia
Outcome 1 – A higher percentage of workers are covered by social security schemes
Outputs contributing to the outcome
- Output 1.6 – Policy options are developed to help female garment sector workers stay in employment
- Output 1.1. – Evidence demonstrating the potential macro and enterprise impact of social security on the Cambodian economy and poverty
- Output 1.2 – Social security schemes are adapted to the needs and contributory capacity of self-employed and workers in micro and small enterprises
- Output 1.3 – Existing social security schemes such as the NSSF health insurance scheme and Health Equity Fund have extended coverage to dependents and are guaranteeing higher level of protection in relation to contributory capacity
- Output 1.4 – Communication measures to inform the general public on the new schemes are developed and implemented
- Output 1.5 – Innovative registration schemes involving other relevant government partners and national partners such as CAMFEBA and trade unions is piloted