Viet Nam - Inclusive growth, social protection and jobs
Immediate Objective 1: The Master Plan for Social Assistance Reform (2017-2025), Master Plan for Social Insurance Reform and their Action Plans are implemented for an integrated SP system, in line with fiscal context
Outputs contributing to the outcome
- Output 1.1: Assessments, recommendations and dialogue to support the development of a multi-tiered social protection system, including new or reformed schemes, aligned with MPSAR and MPSIR objectives.
- Output 1.2: Recommendations and policy options aimed at improving linkages between contributory and tax-funded systems, to ensure universal coverage at an adequate level, are developed in dialogue with national stakeholders.
- Output 1.3: Capacity building and advocacy programme for stakeholders (Government, National Assembly, social partners, civil society, academics) to take informed decisions on social protection policy is designed and implemented
- Output 1.4: Communication materials to raise public awareness and support for social protection and ensure understanding of available schemes are developed and disseminated.