Southern Africa – Social Protection Component IGSPJI
- (Inception Phase) Outcome 1: A successor to the Malawi National Social Support Programme has been developed based on a national dialogue process
- MWI Immediate Objective 1: A well informed political and public debate on social protection
- MWI Immediate Objective 2: Institutional coordination and right-based approaches for effective delivery of social protection floors
- MWI Immediate Objective 3: A comprehensive national social protection policy and a prioritised implementation plan
- MWI Immediate Objective 4: A sustainable and progressively domestically funded social protection financing framework
República Unida de Tanzania
- ZMB Immediate Objective 1: A well informed political and public debate on social protection
- ZMB Immediate Objective 2: Institutional coordination and right-based approaches for effective delivery of social protection floors
- ZMB Immediate Objective 3: A comprehensive national social protection policy and a prioritised implementation plan
- ZMB Immediate Objective 4: A sustainable and progressively domestically funded social protection financing framework.
- ZMB Outcome 1 (Inception Phase): Social protection institutional architecture is conducive to effective implementation of social protection floors