Promoting and building social protection in Asia (3rd phase): Extending social security coverage in ASEAN

Output 1.1. Knowledge and expertise on strategies and practices to improve coverage of self-employed, informal and MSMEs workers, and compliance of social security laws


– Activity 1.1.1: Support, coordinate with and report to the Tripartite Project Committee and ASEAN SLOM and SOMSWD. – Activity 1.1.2: Conduct research on country experiences extending coverage to self-employed, informal economy and MSMEs workers, including enforcement mechanisms, draw lessons learnt and recommendations for possible application in ASEAN and worldwide through the multiplier effect of the Flagship Programme on SPFs (see box 4) ; this activity also contributes to the development of the guide the global campaign (by INWORK) on the extension of social protection to workers of the informal economy. – Activity 1.1.3: Organize a tripartite ASEAN seminar to present the country experiences, discuss the lessons learnt and recommendations for ASEAN (at mid-term of the project implementation).
04.10.2018 Asie et Pacifique