Southern Africa – Social Protection Component IGSPJI

MWI Output 3.1: Successors to existing national social protection policies/strategies developed/evaluated/updated based on social protection floor principles and national dialogue process


From Annual Report 2020
Activity: Support to the Design of the Social Cash Transfer Programme Strategic Plan

The SCTP is the main social protection programme in Malawi, attending to about 1.2 million people every year – about 7% of the total population - with unconditional cash transfers. A draft Strategy was developed and consultations with partners are ongoing. This activity is also funded by the UN Joint Programme in Social Protection. Consultations were delayed by C19.

Activity: Support the review and update of the National SocialSupport Policy (NSSP)
The NSSP is the base document that guides the direction and goals of the social protection system in Malawi, and its current version expired in 2016. The process is an opportunity to solidify all progress achieved since the launch of the policy in 2012, and set the path for a more inclusive, comprehensive and sustainable social protection system in the country for the next decade.Technical products are under development. However, consultations necessary for stakeholders' inputs were delayed due to C19. This activity is mostly funded by the UN Joint Programme in Social Protection.

15.03.2021 Africa Malaui