Improving Synergies between Social Protection and Public Finance Management (ILO component)

Output 3.1: Service providers have improved skills to deliver social protection services


The Project will support the achievement of the results under this output by provision of the technical assistance for the development of the two training packages on social protection: a comprehensive package for the central and Provincial officials responsible for policy, programme design and oversight of the delivery of the social protection and  a training package focusing primarily on the delivery, case management and monitoring of the social assistance programmes at grass-root level having as it target audience the district and commune officials responsible for programme delivery. Financial assistance will be provided for the ToT training for 140 key officials who will disseminate the training to services providers building on successful implementation of the cascade training during the roll-out of other cash transfer programmes. The cascade approach will allow for systematic and paced transfer of knowledge through direct training, as well as coaching and trouble-shooting through already established electronic service provider groups. A study to assess existing knowledge sharing and information dissemination channels and to develop strategies for capacity building of service providers at sub-national levels will be implemented to design innovative approaches to knowledge dissemination using both traditional means and technology to meet the massive demands for capacity building arising with the roll-out of new social assistance programmes. A study on the role and functions as well as existing mechanisms in place to deliver social assistance programmes at sub-national level is to contribute to strengthening the delivery of the existing and new programmes as rolled out by the Government and within the context of de-concentration of functions linked to delivery of social services (D&D reform). The achievement of the results under this output will be led by UNICEF.

31.12.2022 Asia and the Pacific Cambodia