Supporting the National Social Protection Policy Framework in Cambodia

Output 1.2: National and sub-national stakeholders have stronger capacity to conduct policy analysis, craft policy, advocate and communicate for stronger social protection programmes


The second output relates to strengthening the capacity of the different actors involved. This output combines activities related with strengthening capacity in terms of evidence production with a second group of activities related to communication and awareness raising. An expected output is the production of better evidence to support policy design, at the same time creating the opportunities required to ensure that the message reaches a wide number of stakeholders in order to contribute to additional political space for social protection. The evidence would provide indications both of the outcomes for targeted groups, and also of the efficiency of financial investments. This is then expected to lead to increasing budget allocations and consequently more people covered in the future, including the groups currently left behind, including children, women, and the access-disadvantaged. This output will include the development and implementation of a social protection training package for Cambodia with a view of increasing the critical mass of government officials with knowledge on social protection to enable improved planning, design and also ensure support to delivery of the social protection initiatives. 

As of Q1 of 2021:

  • The annual Social Protection week was discussed and it will be held in Q3 of the year. The objective of the SP week was to highlight the JP impact among other agenda. 
  • Policy brief for the future of social health protection in Cambodia as a contribution to the ongoing dialogue on this topic in the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) has been drafted.
31.01.2023 Asie et Pacifique Cambodge