Promoting and building social protection in Asia (3rd phase): Extending social security coverage in ASEAN

Output 3.1. Analysis of impediments and evidence-based recommendations for extending social insurance coverage (review of legal/design and implementation aspects)


– Activity 3.1.1: Constitute a tripartite project steering committee and organize regular meetings to discuss progress and orientation of the project. – Activity 3.1.2: Conduct a legal and institutional assessment; analysis of social protection risks, needs and obstacles in particular among informal economy and MSMEs workers, short-term contract workers, and self-employed; value chain analysis for identifying social protection gaps in one sector (if relevant); and bring evidence based recommendations, policy options and institutional reforms for increasing social insurance coverage in Indonesia (with gender considerations); this activity may contribute to the development of the guide the global campaign (by INWORK) on the extension of social protection to workers of the informal economy. – Activity 3.1.3: Conduct separate consultations and tripartite workshops for identifying gaps and recommendations for improving social insurance coverage. The workshops disseminate and discuss the findings of the review of country experiences (act. 1.1.1). If relevant, the tripartite workshop may invite resource persons from Japan to share their experience with regards social security inspection and labour dispute settlement administration.
04.10.2018 Asia and the Pacific Indonesia