Southern Africa – Social Protection Component IGSPJI

MWI Output 1.3: Increased capacity of civil society organizations, workers and employers organizations to engage and shape the debate on reform of social protection systems


From 2020 Annual Report
Activity: Social Accountability Assessment Report

Continuing the activity started earlier 2019, the Social Accountability Assessment Report was finalized and validated on December 2019.The report reviewed the social accountability mechanisms available for all main SP programmes in Malawi, identifying gaps, issues, challenges and opportunities.The report is undergoing graphic design for publication.

Activity: Support for Public Expenditure Tracking Survey (PETS) for Social Protection
The ILO is supporting the implementation of the first PETS for social protection in Malawi. The process tracks the flow of resources in the sector, to identify “leakages” budget gaps, and track how much of the resources invested reach the intended purpose – i.e. The beneficiaries.The PETS will inform where are the critical resource bottlenecks in the sector, how effective are the processes in use (in particular, how the different implementation modalities perform against each other). The data collection and cleaning has been conducted. The data is being analysed and the report drafted. Government is leading this process, and the intention is to run a similar process in 2021, led by CSOs to compare results and provide civil society with the tools to continue tracking expenditures in the sector.

15.03.2021 Africa Malawi