Advancing Social Protection in Cambodia

Output 2.4 - Referral mechanism for the cash transfer programmes and selected complementary services is designed and tested


With expansion of the social assistance programmes and improving their linkages with complementary programmes and services, strengthening of the delivery capacities at sub-national, especially commune and district level, becomes critical factor of effectiveness. Given that most of the programmes, including the OD-ID mechanism, are implemented at commune level, including through commune councils linked to the CCWCs and other bodies (such as health committees, school committees), as well as village coordination mechanisms for social services, technical assistance will be provided to build on, and systematize existing good practices linked to planning of the delivery of the cash transfer programmes and related social services. The examples of good practices will be gathered from the implementation of the cash transfer programme for pregnant women and children 0-2, the scholarship programme, disability allowance and the OD-ID mechanism.  Additional lessons learned may be gathered from the referral and case management approaches used in child protection and health sectors.  The final objective is to develop a simple model, guidelines and job aids that will support the planning of the service delivery and the referral among services at village, commune and district level. Direct support will be provided to MoSVY to test the developed model and tools in selected districts/communes with a view of expansion at national level. The capacity building will be complemented by the training on referral and case management planned under the EU-funded Improving synergies between social protection and Public Finance Management Project.

31.12.2024 Asie et Pacifique Cambodge