Advancing Social Protection in Cambodia

Output 2.3 – Vulnerability identification, targeting and M&E of the CT programmes are strengthened to promote inclusion of the hard to reach and vulnerable in the CT programmes


In order to expand the coverage of the programmes and promote inclusion of the poor and vulnerable households, as well as households at risk, technical assistance will be provided to conduct a study to map existing identification and targeting systems capturing key risks and vulnerabilities. Study will build on the risk and vulnerability framework developed under Family Package to link cash transfer data with available data on programmes supporting vulnerable people. Priority will be given to identifying gaps and connectivity with the available data on women/children 0-5 for nutrition and food security outcomes; children in need of special protection; persons with disabilities; homeless families (with children) and families/individuals in institutional setting.

Building on the assessment, support will be provided to MoSVY to establish data collection mechanisms (including through commune-level data collection) on selected multi-dimensional vulnerability indicators. Technical assistance will be provided to further develop the existing social assistance MIS under MoSVY and integrate social assistance programme databases on cash transfers, disabilities and other new programmes into an integrated MIS. This will be done with a view of promoting inter-operability of the integrated social assistance MIS with the data exchange platform for social protection sector and the social registry potentially to be developed by other development partners. Additional technical assistance will be provided to MoSVY and GS-NSPC to conduct assessment and establish the IT links among Social Assistance MIS and selected existing databases to support creation of the multi-dimensional vulnerabilities database for improved identification and targeting.  Necessary linkages will be established between the MoSVY MIS and the Scholarship Programme beneficiary data. 

31.12.2024 Asia and the Pacific Cambodia