Supporting the National Social Protection Policy Framework in Cambodia

Output 1.3: Legislative framework for social protection is improved


The third output is essential to ensure the materialization of the objectives and measures foreseen in the policy framework. It is also central to ensure that social protection in Cambodia is built on a rights-based approach based on the guiding principles of ILO Recommendation 202 on Social Protection Floors. The first step towards reaching this output will be a mapping of what is already in place, and what is required in the context of the latest developments. Following these initial activities, the UNJP plans to support different institutions in the development of specific pieces of legislation which will be later defined in more detail.

These outputs are essential to guarantee the sustainability of this intervention, as the GS-NSPC will be the institution in charge of providing guidance for the future developments of SP in the country. A strong GS with the right tools to monitor and guide the progress of SP in Cambodia is a central key to the future of SP in the country. In addition, the legal framework is the backbone of the system, together with the capacity of the human resources and institutions involved.

As of Q1 of 2021,

  • The inception report for the legal review of the legislative framework for social protection was completed.
31.01.2023 Asia y Pacífico Camboya