Improving Synergies between Social Protection and Public Finance Management (ILO component)

Output 2.3 The CSO-TU Network can engage effectively with decision makers for more fiscal space to increase the coverage of informal economy workers under the NSPPF, especially women workers.


The CSO-TU Network has a large constituency composed by women informal economy workers. To better cover their social protection needs, Oxfam will ensure they have sufficient capacity to understand how SP for this group can be financed and for what kind of needs, while including a gender sensitive approach. A survey on the contributory capacity of different types of informal workers will inform a thorough analyses and a decision on joint recommendations towards the NSPC and NSSF. Similarly, to Outcome 1, the Network will make use of the opportunities offered by cooperation with ILO and UNICEF, while adding voice and leverage to their desired outputs, as well as direct dialogue with relevant government bodies.

31.12.2022 Asia y Pacífico Camboya