Southern Africa – Social Protection Component IGSPJI

Output REG 2.2: The content of the TRANSFORM learning package is enriched with additional case studies/modules/materials and adapted to needs of other language areas



The Strategic Review Workshop for the validation of the TRANSFORM formative evaluation and its new M&E framework was successfully completed in March 2020. Main positive outcome of the workshop was the identification through a consultative process of four key priorities for the implementation of TRANSFORM at regional level during 2020 and 2021 and the consolidation of the related work plans, including a communication and advocacy draft plan and a sustainability plan.

As above mentioned, the condensed 2-day module for policy makers was revised and piloted in Malawi, through a training round with District Commissioners held in March. The module was deemed relevant to the needs of high level audience and is currently undergoing final editing.   

The Financing and Financial Management in-depth module is undergoing revision. Its finalisation had to be postponed due to competing priorities, including the development of the Shock Responsive Social Protection module, deemed more urgent to support government in the region facing the COVID-19 pandemic. The SRSP module and its training materials were finalised through a collaborative process funded by DFID Prosper programme in Malawi and ILO Lusaka is currently working at its adaptation to an online version.

ILO Lusaka is currently procuring external assistance for the implementation of the TRANSFORM communication and advocacy plan completed in March. The objective is to increase the initiative digital presence and provide its key stakeholders with a standard, high quality, communication toolkit.


31.12.2021 Africa