Improving Synergies between Social Protection and Public Finance Management (ILO component)

Output 1.3 Building the capacity of MoLSA to effectively monitor the social protection system


Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (MoLSA) has the mandate to implement the National Social Protection Policy and Strategy. However, the different social protection programmes in the country are dispersed among different ministries without any coordination mechanism in place for MoLSA to oversee and monitor these programmes. As it stands, MoLSA’s capacity to deliver on its social protection mandate is very limited. This area of the project contributes to capacitating MoLSA and Addis Ababa BoLSA so that they are better able to design and implement inclusive social protection programmes through adequate financial resources and capacitated staff. Capacity building initiatives are expected to enhance MoLSA’s ability to better coordinate and monitor social protection programmes that are currently implemented by other sectors and ministries.

31.05.2023 Afrique Éthiopie