Advancing Social Protection in Cambodia

Output 1.3 – Existing social security schemes such as the NSSF health insurance scheme and Health Equity Fund have extended coverage to dependents and are guaranteeing higher level of protection in relation to contributory capacity


For Output 1.3, the ILO will be coordinating the technical assistance in the design and costing of the options to extend existing social security health schemes to family members as the current scheme only covers the NSSF members and the health equity card holders. The technical support will also look into the design of the schemes in terms of adequacy and contributory capacity for various groups within their membership. Related to Output 1.4, these new schemes will be promoted to the general public to promote the uptake of the schemes and the push for inclusion of dependents in the Health Equity Fund. These activities will build on the existing WHO-ILO work under the UNJP on the evaluation of NSSF Health Insurance scheme.

31.12.2024 Asie et Pacifique Cambodge