Advancing Social Protection in Cambodia

Output 2.1 - Regulatory and institutional capacity to deliver the Family Package of Social Assistance are strengthened


Under the Output 2.1, UNICEF will ensure availability of technical assistance to develop regulatory framework and the institutional development plan of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation as the single operator responsible for the delivery of the Family Package. The support provided under this output will aim at consolidating the regulatory documentation developed in support of the new cash transfer schemes under the Output 2.2, including the four core programmes: for vulnerable pregnant women and children; disability allowance; old age allowance, and; scholarship programme. Support will be provided for necessary policy dialogue and dissemination of the policy and regulatory documents, including through the National Social Protection Council and Social Assistance Sub-committee to reach consensus and ensure inter-ministerial collaboration with the key partner Ministries: Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Planning, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, and Ministry of Health. With the Family Package endorsed by RGC, technical assistance will be provided to MoSVY and the General Secretariat of the National Social Protection Council to undertake a detailed costing of the package. The objective of the costing will be to provide a comprehensive view of the financing requirements for the effectively deliver of the social assistance programmes, to inform annual budget preparations and negotiations with the Ministry of Economy and Finance. The costing exercise will be linked with the activities under EU-funded Improving synergies between social protection and Public Finance Management Project by linking detailed costing with the efforts to improve MoSVY programme-based and performance-informed budgeting capacities.  Additional technical assistance will be provided to assess the effectiveness of the current cash transfer payment mechanism, with a view of recommending additional payment service providers or modalities to improve access to cash transfers and financial inclusion of hard-to-reach beneficiaries.

31.12.2024 Asie et Pacifique Cambodge