Improving Synergies between Social Protection and Public Finance Management (ILO component)
Output 2.1 - Tools and knowledge in place for improved planning, budgeting and tracking of social protection expenditures including consistent mechanism for compilation of revenues and expenditures
This output will involve increasing the capacity of MEF units, the GS-NSPC and line Ministries in tracking social protection related expenditures; improving the functional classification of social protection schemes (with priority to the MoSVY and their overall vision of social protection costs and its efficiency. ILO will lead these activities which include a combination of training, technical assistance missions. The capacity building will be mostly done through in-job training (including coaching), building on the existing technical experience in national institutions, but complementing it with a team of international experts which jointly are expected to develop a series of products, including a comprehensive gender-sensitive financial review of Social Protection Cambodia, which is expected to be a central input to the Mid Term Review of the Social Protection Policy Framework. The results of this review will be used for advocacy related activities.
The work will be complemented by the development of the social assistance tracking expenditure database led by UNICEF. The database is to track the social assistance expenditures under MoSVY and link to the monitoring dashboard being developed by the General Secretariat of the National Social Protection Council. The activity is linked to the review of the implementation of the functional classification as well as mapping of social protection programmes.
Furthermore, UNICEF will provide additional skills and tools to better link the planning and budget functions by undertaking a series of in-job capacity building activities for the Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation, the Ministry of Interior and Provincial Departments of Social Affairs with an objective to develop adequate/high-quality results-based frameworks in support of Programme-based budget formulation, execution and reporting.