Strenghtening of Social Protection Systems in the PALOPs and Timor-Leste / Global Component

Output 1.1 - Technical reports on the national policies, plans and legislative reforms for broadening the coverage of social protection, prepared and submitted for consultation through tripartite dialogue


Collect and analyse the needs expressed by the various national institutions in terms of technical assistance, skills upgrading and knowledge development and sharing. Carry out assessments on the levels of interconnection and coordination of the social security systems, and propose recommendations for improvement in those areas, to the purpose of increasing the efficacy and efficiency of the social protection systems. Prepare national assessments directed at the identification of gaps in social protection (legal gaps and those in coverage, policies, governance, gender equality, etc.), applying the technical tools made available by SOCPRO (SPER, costing tools, best practice guides, monitoring, evaluation, etc.). Based on the foregoing output, prepare a baseline for the state of social protection in the PALOP and Timor-Leste, including analysis of gaps in implementation of the floor, with a gender perspective.
31.12.2018 Africa , Asia and the Pacific Mozambique , Sao Tome and Principe , Angola , Cabo Verde , Guinea-Bissau , Timor-Leste