Strenghtening of Social Protection Systems in the PALOPs and Timor-Leste / Global Component
Output 2.2 - Strengthening of the operational management capacities of the social protection institutions, in terms of the use of ICT platforms and statistical systems, as well as the development of indicators
Carry out evaluations and recommendations for improving management of the social protection institutions, funding issues, management of investments, delivery of benefits, information technologies (ICTs) and statistics and indicators, among others.
Conduct an analysis of the management capacities of the social protection institutions, and propose improvements in their administration aimed at broadening of coverage, with emphasis on the groups that are difficult to cover (informal economy, domestic workers, migrants, etc.) and incorporating a gender perspective.
Undertake analyses of gender inequalities in access to social protection, and formulate and discuss recommendations for reducing the inequalities.
Organize national seminars and workshops to present and discuss the assessments, analysis and recommendations developed with the support of the Project, with the participation of management and technical staff from the institutions responsible for social protection and the tripartite constituents.