Southern Africa – Social Protection Component IGSPJI

Output REG 2.1: The Leadership and Transformation Curriculum on Building and Managing Social Protection Floors (TRANSFORM) is established as a regional platform for capacity building in Africa


The promotion of the curriculum at regional level has progressed steadily. A 5th run of E-Transform targeted at national and regional training institutes has been completed successfully by 51 people across 14 countries, with good level of participation from both Zambian and Malawian institutions. Indeed, about 50 per cent of participants indicated the course exceeded their expectations and over 70 per cent indicated they felt well equipped to make meaningful contribution to their national social protection system after the course. Resources reprogrammed due to the COVID-19 response were utilised to run an additional e-TRANSFORM (6th run), from August to October. This run is mostly targeted to participants from West and Northern Africa, as to satisfy significant demand for capacity building which cannot yet be covered through regular training.

Indeed, the Training of Trainers planned to take place during the reporting period for French and Arabic-speaking new Master Trainers had to be put on hold due to travel and meeting restrictions. Instead an online version of the TOT has been designed and will be launched from September till November with a small cohort of trainees from both French-speaking West Africa and Arabic-speaking SP experts from North Africa and the Middle East. This might contribute to further replication of TRANSFORM across the Arab region.


31.12.2021 Africa