Supporting the National Social Protection Policy Framework in Cambodia

Output 2.1 Social protection schemes have been updated and integrated to expand social protection coverage


  • The draft Family Package design document and policy brief for submission for inter-ministerial consultations and review by NSPC has been finalized. The draft policy document is submitted to NSPC in February. Resulting from the family package design, the initial steps to establish the single operator for the social assistance were already taken. Currently the work is under way to develop the Family Package Programme design document and operational guidelines, while the initial steps to support institutional assessment to establish the cash transfer Single Operator under MoSVY and MEF are under way.
  • The disability identification training has been finalized in 8 Provinces and identification process rolled out and collected in the disability programme. In total, 557 trainers (174 women) were trained within ToT and they have further trained 1,503 commune officials (666 women) in 524 communes (out of total 1640 communes). Training was Face-to-Face since conditions allowed it MIS via tablets used by commune officials trained in the identification process. The development of the social-based disability identification process and tools resulted from the extensive consultative processes including Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and inter-ministerial consultations. In total, 51,000 persons with disability (including 23,800 women) in 8 Provinces were identified as person with disability (PwD).


31.01.2023 Asie et Pacifique Cambodge