Southern Africa – Social Protection Component IGSPJI

ZMB Output 4.2: Appropriate financing modalities, approaches and plans are developed in relation to the expansion of social protection floors


From Annual Report 2020
The project in collaboration with the UN Joint Programme onsocial protection II has been supporting the initiatives the cash plus options microsimulation initiative. Government is implementing a cash plus intervention that builds on combining regular cash transfers with additional social protection benefits offering complementary support to optimize the effects of cash transfers on reducing extreme poverty. In order to accelerate complementarities in programme design and implementation, there is need to assess the poverty impact of the various program interlinkages options to evaluate the options with optimal impact on poverty reduction. The cash plus task team has been constituted to spearhead microsimulations based on the Micro- ZAMMOD capacity building training conducted in collaboration with ZIPAR, UNWIDER and SASPRI.

The Cash Plus is a central component of operationalizing the integrated framework for basic social protection programs. It is envisioned that the Cash Plus programme will accelerate efforts towards meeting the Seventh National Development Plan target on reducing poverty by 20 percent by end of 2021.

15.03.2021 Afrique Zambie